Songs about and for the horses

As you might have read in the about me section, I am also a musician and singer songwriter. Long before I started to focus on horses, I played guitar from a very young age. Only after I got out of the rat-race at the age of 42, I got inspired to write songs. Here are a few…and they are about horses.

Horse Reflections
I think all horse lovers will relate to the lyrics of this song. Together with Zoe Coade (from Get Good With Horses), we made a video clip that actually won a price in the EQUUS Film Festival in 2018. Enjoy.

Heartless Equestrian

Coming soon. Another collaboration with Zoe Coade. This time she wrote the lyrics and made a video. I did the music and produced a song Heartless Equestrian. More on this later.

Below is a picture I really love. During the colt start in 2001 at the Parelli ranch in Pagosa Springs when Pat asked me to come and play guitar with him on his porch.

Pat Parelli and Eddy Modde playing guitar on the porch in 2001

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